Many that remember us from the sweat soaked nights at Thoma's Bar off the Marquette campus may remember Dan from his band Blue Utah. Back then Kevin Blackwell, the lead singer of Blue Utah (and current guitarist/singer for Portland based Sassparilla) was housemates with a few of the members of R. Mutt. Late night jams and after bar parties paved the way for a string of great split bill shows at Thoma's in the late 80's and early 90's, so we have been sharing the stage with Dan for years now.
We have stayed in touch with Dan as he has continued playing guitar in a number of bands from Telluride to Minneapolis to his current home outside Chicago. Timing and location aligned perfectly this spring and Dan gave us the thumbs up that he was willing to help us out on the new album and come on board as a full time member.
We are still ironing out the details of his signing bonus, so until that is wrapped up, it would be great if you could all buy Dan a beer and welcome him to the family.